The right to vote has become a citizen's right that is exercised by most of the population in the multiple electoral processes that take place periodically in the world. Voting as an act to elect political representatives has become, thanks to its almost generalized extension to all corners of the planet, an international custom and, therefore, an obligatory norm for all States that are part of the current international community. People vote both in fully democratic elections, in elections that do not adequately conform to electoral rules, non-democratic elections, elections that are nothing more than an electoral farce, and even in elections that are carried out in clearly autocratic regimes. This means that putting ballot boxes for citizens to elect their political representatives, to vote, has become a repeated, constant and uniform act, and that there is also a general conviction that citizens should be put to ballot boxes because it is a norm that binds states. Consequently, not putting up ballot boxes, not allowing citizens to vote to elect their representatives, constitutes a flagrant violation of this international norm.
Elections – political participation – voting – international custom – practice – opinio iuris
Pascual Planchuelo, V. C. (2023). Celebrar elecciones para elegir a los representantes políticos es una costumbre internacional : Holding elections to elect political representatives is an international custom. Revista Tribuna Internacional, 12(23), 85–114.