The notion of the United States as an “exceptional” country not only has extensive historical and sociological development, but also a vast political backing that has penetrated different government administrations. This has invariably transcended decisions that affect the position of this country in relation to international law. However, there are those who argue that since the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the new president of the United States, this doctrine has come to an end. For this reason, the author proposes to explore, initially, the concept and the different movements that have arisen around “American exceptionalism”, with a historical, political and international relations approach. Then examines the relationship between the current American president and this notion, analyzes the link between the new administration and the international law, and finally, tries to answer the question: Is it the end of 'American exceptionalism'?
United States - American Exceptionalism - Donald J. Trump - International Law – Neoconservatives.
Author Biography
Ignacio Odriozola, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Master en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Estudios en la American University (AU), Washington College of Law. Miembro del Grupo Joven del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).
Odriozola, I. (2017). On Isolationism and Exceptionalism: Donald J. Trump, the Neoconservatives and the International Law. Revista Tribuna Internacional, 6(12).