New practices and meanings in healthy public policies in the local areas of Venezuela


  • Jorge Mandl Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud, Venezuela
  • Hernán Málaga Universidad Ricardo Palma, Perú,


This study conducted in five rural municipalities of Venezuela, was oriented to show as healthy public policies are the result of a set of interactions between the State and civil society that promoting the construction of new political and social that determine a local practice for health and well-being. It selected the qualitative paradigm, taking phenomenology as well as hermeneutic elements. The study showed the collective construction of proposals towards a new political culture to universalize basic rights, justice and equity. The meanings revealed that healthy public policies are a sequence integrated and sustained responses in all State policies, result of multi-sectoral and cross-disciplinary processes with social mediation, whose dynamic participatory guarantee an real and equitable opportunity of the society to carry them objectives common to the praxis and assume commitments to act on those determinants social of it health that establish transformations on the quality of life.


Healthy public policies, social capital, Venezuela