Mobility, utopias and hybrid places in the Southern Chilean Andes


  • Viviana Huiliñir-Curío Universidad de La Frontera
  • Hugo Marcelo Zunino Universidad de La Frontera


The southern Chilean Andes area and its social-cultural sphere have been affected by migrants who aspire to develop new lifestyles different from that of large cities. Encouraged by the dream of achieving a better life in relatively remote places, they bring utopian projects associated with creative practices. This paper analyzes three community-based initiatives developed by migrants, studies their aspirations, dreams and interests and explores how newcomers develop emotional attachment to their new spaces and create new relationships with local communities. It is argued that these interventions give rise to the emergence of “hybrid places” characterized by the generation of diversified simultaneous understandings. It concludes with a discussion about the importance of studying developed spaces created on the basis of understandings that transcend modern linear and material thinking, suggesting the possibility of creating new social and spatial dimensions different than those imposed by capital.

Author Biographies

Viviana Huiliñir-Curío, Universidad de La Frontera

Social Sciences Research Group – Patagonia International
Research Center, Universidad de La Frontera

Hugo Marcelo Zunino, Universidad de La Frontera

Department of Social Sciences, Social Sciences Research
Group – Patagonia International Research Center, Universidad
de La Frontera


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